Gun Metal Funline in Light and Dark Green Acrylic

Gun Metal Funline with Aquabright Light and Dark Green
Gun Metal Funline with Aquabright Light and Dark Green

I completed this Funline pen today. This is an Aquabright Light and Dark Green blank. I liked the first blank turned more but I forgot to true the blank and chipped the end when I tightened up the tailstock.  There is a slight eccentricity on the nib end of the pen. I believe this is due to the mandrel being too short. The mandrel saver is resting on the threaded portion of the mandrel when two blanks are on installed. I did do the majority of shaping this time with only a single blank at a time. That the blank is still eccentric means i’ll have to do some research and measurement to make sure the lathe and mandrel are in good working order. Continue reading “Gun Metal Funline in Light and Dark Green Acrylic”