20170429 – First Attempt with Resin Pendants

Alumilite Clear, Alumilite dyes, and Liquitex alcohol inks.

I’m working on resin pendants with color wisps today. Using Alumilite clear and Alumilite dyes. I’m also going to test out two Liquitex alcohol inks. This will be my first pour using these silicone pendant molds from Mtlee that I found on Amazon.com.

Setup: Here are the molds I used and the dyes in the order I used them.

Triangle Tapered faceted Square Tapered Square Square Rectangle
Alumilite Violet Alumilite Green Alumilite Flo Green Alumilite Flo Orange Alumilite Blue
Twisted Faceted Square Hexagon Circle Diamond Fluted Circle
Alumilite Red Alumilite Orange Alumilite White Liquitex Naphthol Red Liquitex Phthalocyanine Blue
Silicone Pendant Molds
Silicone Pendant Molds
Dyes prepped for use (toothpicks at the ready)
Warming silicone mold
Silicone molds warmed for use.

I warmed the molds as recommended by the manufacturer. Alumilite recommends warming molds to 120 degrees. 130 degrees was as close as I could get with my current toaster oven.

Resin poured
Resin in molds.

Post pour comments: Mixed 100 g resin, which was probably about 30 g too much. The mini pipettes were handy for getting the resin into small openings in the molds. The alcohol ink beaded up when dipped into the resin. Alumilite dyes make nice wisps but you can only use the smallest possible amount on the toothpick or it overpowers the volume of clear.

Demold: It was difficult to get pendants out of molds. I was concerned that mold release might cloud the surface so I left the molds untouched. I might try releasing in soapy water next time. The Alumilite dye doesn’t cure when just introduced to resin, it has to be mixed thoroughly. Wherever the dye appeared on the surface of the pendants it wasn’t cured. Next time I’ll try to mix a small portion of colored resin to add to the clear. I won’t have time to do that with the Alumilite though (maybe i’ll try Alumilite slow).

Pendants out of molds

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